Hi gang. Well the weather again here in western Canada is really bad again nothing but cloudy skies, rain and smoke! So being bored and all I have decided so compile a list of my favorite planetary images so far I have got from my Svbony SV305C camera I just purchased in July (early last month). I have had it out now about 5 times outside a few hours at time for each session imaging usually some DSOs first on my small Orion 80mm goscope tesitng various settings and integrations. The later at night at the planets come up just above the houses I switch out to my 102mm Mak and start imaging Saturn, Neptune (if visible), and Jupiter. I also managed to just get Venus when I first purchased this new camera just when it was starting to get very low on the horizon at twtlight before I lost total visibility below the houses. Anyways here is my list of images so far enjoy!
The Planets - Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune!
Venus-Super Enlarged at 25 degrees |
Saturn Super Enlarged at 29 degrees
Saturn Super Enlarged - second session low attitude
Jupiter first session low attitude at 25 degrees |
Jupiter Enlarged second session low attitude
Jupiter super enlarged 3 session low attitude
Neptune between the trees low attitude
Neptune as above but enlarged more
Neptune supersized not color adjusted
Neptune color balanced in Registax and enlarged
Neptune color balanced in Registax and enlarged brightened For more information on this camera please see my previous articles on my blog regarding testing and impressions of this new camera. If you want to view more specs on this camera from the manufacturer or possibly purchase it you can find the camera link here: https://www.svbony.com/sv305c-planetary-camera Clear skies to you all! |