
Showing posts from June, 2023

Imaging with a low end T7C camera (a ZWO 120 knockoff)

Greetings fellow astronomers.  I am reviewing my first planetary camera I bought on a budget a year ago the T7C astro planetary camera.  I used my 102mm Mak for planetary imaging and my small Orion 80mm goscope for some deep sky imaging!  I have also updated this review with some recent images i took off Saturn and Jupiter with this camera in August of 2023 to show its capabiltity of this entry level budget planetary camera even with basic equipment and small telescopes. Of course I live in a bortle 7/8 city which limits the overall quality of the images and does not reflect to the cameras limits.. There is some good and not so good with this basic old camera.  The great part of this camera with the arc 130 sensor is the camera capture frame rate is very quick topping out in the lowest ROI modes at around 175 fps while planetary imaging even through it is usb2.  The high frame rate definitely definitely helps cut through atmospheric distortion and fast planetary...